Christian Formation
Christian Formation
Christian Formation seeks to engage and enhance the Christian life for every age in our parish. This includes engagement in worship, education classes, and community ministry. We invite people of every age to acolyte, learn, and volunteer in our community.
There are no Christian Education classes between May and September.
Adult Forum | Fireside Room
The bible, church history, theology, liturgy, tradition, faith, spirituality, and more are discussed at Adult Formation. Grab a snack from coffee hour and make your way to the Fireside room! We meet for about 45 minutes.
Children’s Formation | Sanctuary
Children 2-10 years old are invited, along with their adults, to the sanctuary after grabbing a yummy snack from coffee hour. Our children’s formation centers on the Church Calendar and includes ringing the church bell, songs, prayers, and a short lesson. We meet for about 15-20 minutes. Dates are announced each month, so watch the newsletter and bulletin for those updates!
Youth Formation | DYC
Danville Youth Connection (DYC) is a shared ministry among Trinity, the Presbyterian Church of Danville, and the First Christian Church in Danville. 6th-12th graders meet every week for games, food, and fellowship.
DYC meets at 5:30pm when school is in session. The location of each gathering varies by month; locations are available through the newsletter and bulletin.
High School students meet every Wednesday at 7:15am during the school year at Dry Stack for devotions and breakfast.
All students are welcome to join us for all of these events at any time! All are welcome!